Current Projects

Autistic Spectrum Specialized Education & Technology/training Centers

To accomplish our mission, we plan to construct 4 rural residential ASSET Centers/Ranches/Green-developed towns with Western, Central and Eastern locations to meet the increasing need for youth and young adults. The regional Centers will provide educational and training classroom and remote delivery curriculum options consisting of combinations of standard, alternative and innovative methods; smaller teacher/student ratios, especially and specifically developed curriculum content and designated outcomes. Education and training opportunities via specially trained teachers and innovative technologies with the following components included in each center:

  • Career & Vocational training programs
  • Camp / Respite / Work Training
  • Continuing professional education
  • Research Projects and Partnerships
  • Virtual Community & Interactive Role Playing Website
  • Live, video and/or Web educational opportunities/links to local ASSET centers that are linked into local school districts to assist in delivering educational benefits. These would also provide access to opportunities in the virtual community, socialization, leadership skills, and alternative income opportunities.

Regional centers will have a minimum of 3 trained Special Education Teachers in the most current and up to date teaching methods for children on the Autistic Spectrum and be specifically trained in all new, innovative techniques that will better identify learning and retention abilities in the student, evaluate student strengths and weaknesses in learning aptitudes and abilities, thereby capitalizing on the greater strengths for better retention and real-life applications. Vocation / Careers

Our centers will also be constructed to provide specialized vocational training based on the students’ strengths, passions and aptitude through careful evaluation and screening so the students will have the best opportunity to pursue choices that will ensure the most success and financial independence. Our centers will contract with paid and volunteer mentors and trainers in areas of student interests for vocational training, mentorship’s, apprenticeships and individualized, specialized training opportunities.

Local ASSET Centers

Local Centers will be designed to augment and enhance local school districts for curriculum, training opportunities, career counseling, assessment, transitional skills and guidance while also providing the students access to the upgraded and enhanced curriculum via a remote delivery method or special training classroom opportunities. Creating these options will help to level the playing field for education and career training for youth and young adults on the spectrum. We hope to give these youth the opportunities so it will make no difference what state or school district they reside in.

Our goal of augmenting or creating (if necessary), school district curriculum within the regional centers coverage areas with local ASSET Centers, will benefit the school districts along with helping students who need our specialized services. This augmentation to the school districts will also help them to meet their federal and state guidelines for education requirements while enhancing the students’ educational opportunity in the school district. Each local center will also act as a community resource center and community center to better integrate and introduce these special needs students into their local community and to local residents.

Being informed, educated, trained and accepted, these students have a much greater opportunity for success and the communities they reside in will have better residents, a more informed population and a greater sense of community.

Camp / Respite / Work Training Development

InventSuccess plans to purchase and/or develop a number of unique camp/respite/work training centers throughout the United States to provide work/career training sites that will also continue teaching necessary life and transition skills i.e.: coping skills, leadership skills, life skills, work ethics, team-building skills, social and social interaction skills. Currently, there are no respite centers that are affordable for the typical American family trying to live, work and manage jobs, home and siblings of children on and off the spectrum. Insurance doesn’t cover a camp and a respite stay may only be covered if there is a profound medical reason for such. With this in mind and to assist parents and caregivers the opportunity to have some down time to regroup, recharge & take an opportunity to refocus and care for their children who are not on the spectrum or reconnect with their spouse, our work sites will also have camp and respite options for these families across the US on an affordable basis through a variety of funding and participation options.

InventSuccess will seek strategic partnerships with various transportation modalities including the airlines for affordable plane fares to designated sites or regional ASSET Centers for those camp /respite opportunities.

Specific Work Training Sites & Partnerships

InventSuccess will strive to develop work training/on-the-job training opportunities in diverse industries. This project will allow our students to learn a trade that interests them first hand from a master tradesman or experienced individual who is willing to impart their knowledge. This opportunity provides for a unique work environment while training and learning the specific trade or business. This program also will build social skills, coping skills, leadership skills and instill a sense of pride and accomplishment of having a career path. Developing collaborative partnerships with other like-minded/like-mission foundations and organizations to broaden program development, access to programs and program availability to those we hope to assist, will be actively pursued for all phases of our mission and goals.

Continuing Education for Professionals

Regional centers will be designed with university partnerships in mind that offer continuing educational credit to professionals. With this aspect, professionals will be “immersed” within a center and it’s residents and staff to have a better and more hands-on perspective of behaviors, attitudes, strengths and weaknesses that are presented by the students and their interactions with others and situations that may arise. This would allow an educational opportunity that is not available to those professionals in a typical treatment or interactive setting.

Along with this opportunity, the professional (teacher, doctor, counselor, judicial) will have a better perspective of the Autistic Spectrum disorder. Educational and interactive opportunities of this nature will allow them to be better trained and informed when they go back into their communities and attend to those that they may teach, counsel, treat or represent or may show up in their jurisdiction of services. This immersion opportunity should also provide a more compassionate understanding of the person who has the spectrum disorder, along with what the living environment is for their parents and caregivers as well. This increased knowledge and compassion would then, in hopes, be a common tie of unity between those community’s residents’, service personnel and providers. With that goal, we could then hope to see a more unified basis of general treatment and understanding of those who are living within the autistic spectrum. Social Skills and Living Skills Program Development

These projects will be developed through the work training opportunities, through camp experiences, through living in the ASSET Center residential programs and through targeted and specifically developed individualized projects. For our youth and young adults to be successful, independent adults, they will need to be able to cope with the population of people within their community and will need social, living, coping, and leadership skill development. InventSuccess is developing unique programs that will help them obtain these skills.

Support Communities

InventSuccess Centers will also strive to develop special support communities (not group homes or institution-like settings) for individuals on the Autistic Spectrum. These communities will provide necessary or needed support in areas of resident deficit (financial management, living skills, etc which are assessed prior to taking up residency) to continue to allow them to live independent lives without being subjected to restricted or confined resident options or continuing to live with their aging parents. This opportunity will provide continuing opportunities for developing living, coping, socializing and leadership skills while providing the parents/caregivers with a sense of relief for their charges well-being should they not be able to care for them in the future.

"Green" Cities

InventSuccess is developing a plan to create a “GREEN” city around the regional Centers, leasing out land for green business development and renewable energy options and opportunities while integrating those businesses into potential work training sites or apprenticeship sites for our students. Our vision is to facilitate opportunity to create sustainable businesses and farming opportunities and for our students to become a more environmentally friendly, upcoming population that will better manage the land and resources. Part of this goal is to provide opportunities for individuals and families to build self-employment opportunities within sustainable business markets since the unemployment and lay-off rate is go great and growing every day. Companies will have an opportunity to help build the model of sustainable business practices and renewable energy options by relocating or developing a local, green business presence. This plan provides an opportunity for vision, creativity, growth, sustainable, eco-friendly growth and development.

We hope that our vision of what can be for your loved one on the autistic spectrum becomes your vision. With your support we can build the bridges that will span the gap for individual independence in services, resources and opportunities.